Provorma is a fan of regulated equity and debt capital markets. Securities are designed to rationalise and uphold the promises, rights and obligations of investment loans. Securities give rise to a safe, measurable and prosperous economy.

Provorma is not a fan of the systems which support securities. The issuance, management and trading of securities is inflexible, region specific and filled with middlepeople.

Pro forma: as a matter of form

Securities issuance and trading is, as a matter of course, a matter of form. Provorma is an issuance platform and ownership registry which permits transactions only between buyers and sellers who fit the legal criteria set by the issuer’s regulators, traders’ domicile, and market location.

While fully regulated securities are tied to incumbent infrastructures, most regions including the USA and EU permit a class of more loosely regulated activity by means of private placement rules. Using Provorma fund raisers can privately place securities into the hands of eligible investors who in turn can trade them with other eligible investors when the applicable laws permit it. What’s more, provorma itself automates the moderation of such activity ensuring all participants are never in breach of the rules.

Equities, debt, convertibles and hybrids are now simple to design, deploy and automate.